Wednesday, December 14, 2011

For the Lucky Few

Looking to generate the word of mouth that commercials, trailers and 3-D have failed to spur this year, studios are turning to IMAX, once the domain of spectacular documentaries.
On Friday, Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol becomes the first big-studio feature to premiere on IMAX. The film hits 300 of the special screens five days before its nationwide release Dec. 21 on standard 35-mm and digital screens.
Some theaters also will feature a six-minute sneak peek of The Dark Knight Rises, also shot partly in the oversize format. The footage, which director Christopher Nolanunveiled last week, introduces the villain Bane (Tom Hardy). The latest Batman installment is due in theaters July 20, 2012.  To read more from USA Today click here.

What does this mean?  Well think of it like a movie trailer lottery.  For the lucky few who happen to see Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol in one of the random theaters selected to show the sneak preview, will make all others jealous.

This is an interesting strategy to try and entice people to go out and see the film.  And seeing how the type of audience that would go to Mission: Impossible, would also be interested in Batman.

Do you think this will help attract an audience?  Are you excited for the chance to see the sneak preview?  Or do you think this is more hype than any real chance to see the preview?



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